Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Interest in inanities such as the cigar guy is because of NASA

Ever since the advent of the internet, incredibly trivial things like the ‘cigar guy” phenomenon have received lots of attention. The “cigar guy” is an individual with a cigar within the background of a photo of Tiger Woods at the Ryder Cup. It has become quickly very well-known. For some reason, individuals are captivated with it. That any attention should be paid any attention is exasperating to some individuals, though. That said, there has to be reason. In fact, there is a cause within the effect of well-known obsession over silly things like that.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration causes increase of inanities to take place

Because there is nothing going on within the ‘cigar guy” Ryder Cup photo, many end up caring about what is taking place. There is one company the reason for all of this. NASA is that company. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is also in trouble for other things. It can be blamed for the Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson tapes. If it weren’t for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Bristol Palin’s name wouldn’t mean anything. NASA can make it feasible to associate cats and cheeseburgers. These are with a ‘z” of course. There is only one person to blame for Facebook and Twitter. That is National Aeronautics and Space Administration of course.

The reason NASA is being blamed here

”Cigar Guy” Tiger Woods photo only gets noticed for one reason. People have nothing better to occupy their imaginations with now. This is because man landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. Bear in mind that the automobile didn’t exist 100 years prior to that. Civilization peaked then. That is only if there was a peak. After Apollo 11, there has been no accomplishment almost as dramatic. People, in other words, have gotten bored. Since then, all NASA has done is landed a robot on the moon and shot a couple of satellites around. The moon landing was our peak as a culture.

Getting ahead with space

All that is left for amusement is the brand new gossip with the amazement that came after man entered the universe. People with nothing to inspire them the way NASA was able to will turn to the insipid to distract themselves from the void that has been left. Landing on Mars might help things out. Houston, we have an issue — and it’s your fault.

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