Saturday, September 11, 2010

SEO Tips - Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to the ratio of the number of times a keyword is used in the text of your webpage to the total number of words on the page. It has a powerful role in articles because keywords decide the quality of articles and how well they’ll rank in search engine results. Article source – SEO Keyword Density – occasionally less is more by

What to avoid when it comes to using keywords

It is believed by many SEO copywriters that using a keyword or phrase multiple times throughout an article will increase their chances of getting a better positioning on the Web. However, this practice has proven false, as it can seriously work against your greatest efforts. For example, Google has a keyword density requirement. If you are looking to take over the first page of search results for targeted keyword, you’ll need to abide by its conditions in order to rank well.

How keyword stuffing affects you

Many SEO newbie’s may be tempted to use the same keyword or phrase over and over — and over and over again — to facilitate their try to rank number one for their target keyword. This method is known as “keyword flooding,” where the writer overloads the content, including the Meta tags of the web page, with each possible keyword or phrase related to the site in multiple ways. It is clearly evident that the keyword density in this process is far from balanced. Content produced using this practice will probably be classified as spam by readers and all the search engine algorithms altogether. If and when the search engine crawler visits to examine your site, its algorithm can very easily discover out if a keyword or phrase is getting used an unusual amount of time, which raises red flags. The results of keyword flooding could involve a severe drop in web ranking and a complete removal of your site from the search engine index.

Get the right keyword density

Say you wrote a 400-word article. Your target keyword should appear in the text no more than eight times in order to get the right keyword density. Do not use the keyword in each and every other sentence or within the very same paragraph. Almighty Google permits no more than two percent of the entire text to contain targeted keywords or phrases. So if you write a 500-word article, your targeted keyword should appear no more than 10 times. The permitted percentage of keyword density varies with different search engines. Yahoo and MSN, for instance, may allow up to five percent. Go online and search for free tools for determining keyword density of web pages.

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