Wednesday, December 8, 2010

State Department cables subject of latest WikiLeaks release

Sunday WikiLeaks exposed hundreds of thousands of secret State Department documents online. This time WikiLeaks’ bombshell is State Department connections that provide candid information on international diplomacy and how the U.S. applies pressure to its allies overseas. The White House and foreign leaders issued their official rebukes of the latest WikiLeaks provocation, which was delayed by a hack that briefly disabled the site.

The WikiLeaks State Department cables

The U.S. outlook on international diplomacy was shown to the world on WikiLeaks. This was when the State Department connections were released. The way the United States arranged economic sanctions against Iran as well as how the western and middle eastern governments plan on dealing with Iran's nuclear program were leaked out within the State Department paperwork. Evidently Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered some spying on foreign governments while North Korea has been helping Iran with its nuclear program.

Diplomatic gossip exposed from the gossip

More highlights from the most recent WikiLeaks launch include King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia urging the United States to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and an explanation of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as an “alpha-dog” with links to organized crime. Compared to Adolf Hitler in the report is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Also, Afghan President Hamid Karzai is "driven by paranoia" supposedly. Evidently a "voluptuous blonde" Ukranian nurse never leaves Libyan leader muammar Gaddafi's side when he's traveling. Governments all over the world ridiculed the most recent WikiLeaks release with predictable responses about how the paperwork endangers diplomats, intelligence operatives and informants.

Trying to end WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks claims to hold 251,288 connections released by the State Department between 1966 and early 2010. WikiLeaks said on Twitter that it was hacked with a "mass distributed denial of service attack" a few hours after releasing documents. "Strained relationships and embarrassment" is all that is in the WikiLeaks documents. National security within the U.S. isn’t endangered through them. The organization said it will launch additional tranches over the next several weeks or months.

Details from


Washington Post

Washington Post

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