Saturday, December 25, 2010

Legal team balks as Assange law enforcement official's statement leaked to United Kingdom press

Julian Assange may temporarily be a free man, but his legal team does not like the way coverage of his case is currently developing in the media. The British newspaper The Guardian seems to have figured that turnabout is fair play, so they published details on Assange’s released police report. The supposedly confidential report is said to include visual sexual information of Assange’s current assault case.

All about the Assange police report

Julian Assange's camp is working for making sure free data and transparency are accessible when releasing confidential intelligence cables. The legal team does not think that a turnabout has happened with the recent police report that was supposedly leaked.

Julian Assange has a Swedish lawyer named Bjorn Hurtig. He plans on filing a complaint formally because of the leaked police report.

"It is with great concern that I hear about this because it puts Julian and his defense in a bad position,” Hurtig said.

Litigation by media

Julian Assange faces charges of sexual assault in Sweden right now even though he is currently released on £275,000 ($432,305) bail by celebrity backers for instance Bianca Jagger, Michael Moor and Jemina Khan. Several think the Assange police statement was released on purpose as a "smear campaign" so that the press may look down on the 39 year old journalist.

The sex allegations towards Assange within the Guardian were just a "brief summary" allegedly. His lawful team claims that getting Assange convicted in the court of public opinion was the real purpose of it.

The conspiracy involving Sweden and America

After the details of Julian Assange's sexual assault claims came out, the U.S. and Sweden have been working together. Assange believes they’re trying to punish him for the various United States intelligence cables that he released. Mark Stephens is Julian Assange's lawyer. He says that Assange won’t be extradited and tried under U.S. treason laws if he has anything to do with it. It will be unlikely that this will change thinking about Julian Assange is Australian rather than a U.S. citizen. It should be interesting to see how the U.S. reacts to this considering Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard did announce that Assange didn't break any Australian laws.


The Australian

Julia Gillard says Assange broke no Australian laws

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