Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reform a school with $ 4.35 billion as a Race to the Top winner

Win the Race to the Top and get $ 4.35 billion to reform your school

If you would like to improve your school, just check with President Obama. He pays $ 4.35 billion to schools in America to make some improvements. His education initiative, entitled “Race to the Top,” rewards schools with one of the most ambitious plans to “improve schools and close the achievement gap,” writes MSNBC. Nine new “Race to the Top” winners are announced to share this round’s $ 3.4 billion grant, as outlined by the U.S. Department of Education: There could be a little more time before it is announced how much could be given to Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island and Washington D.C.. A later round with $ 350 million at stake for states that create new means of student assessment is still to come.

Not just the ‘Race to the Top’ winners

The grant competition “Race to the Top” has inspired numerous states that need the money to raise the education bar. New teacher accountability directives and no caps on funding for charter schools are two of many moves states have made to make an effort to win the “Race to the Top” prize. In total, 35 states and also the District of Columbia applied for round two, and the Department of Education chose 19 finalists from among that group in July. So far, 46 states and the District of Columbia have applied for “Race to the Top.”.

Teachers unions against along with state education leaders

“Race to the Top” hasn’t met with universal approval. According to MSNBC, teachers unions were uneasy about signing on to any reforms that would connect teacher evaluations with student standardized test performance, while various state education officials expressed concern as to whether or not getting into reforms within the “Race to the Top” would mean that school districts would be giving up too much control to the federal government.

Changing some stuff in America

The overall outlook has been good. Democrats for Education Reform released a public statement in which the organization clearly showed that it has its finger on the pulse of what most of the nation is thinking about “Race to the Top.”. Civil rights and child advocacy groups to local business were addressed in the statement saying that there is a hope that under the President’s command, maybe all these groups can work with teachers unions to help give a new result America needs while also applauding what the president has done.

Find more details on this subject


President Obama on “Race to the Top

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